Saturday, February 28, 2009

interior spaces


pg 93

I've lost several notebooks, but, the most significant one I left on an airplane. It was a notebook I had with me throughout the year and a half I moved from Chicago to Indiana. I think about that notebook all the time but I know some people don't privilege things like that. I don't remember a lot of things. Taking notes is important to me.

some reality poem collage (mainly people said these things):

On circuit bending:

Is the music beautiful?
Does it make harmonious sound?

on digital and physical media:

Impersonal, impersonal
we companion jolts
in person
we afford
what we don't
really listen to
what that does
and yet points
facing directional
delicate shifting of the device
which moves while we are


on walking:

The human
animal body
knows when you
step into the dark room
you'll stumble down
but, human animal
every step is a fall

goodmorning MilwaukeeChicago Morning

Chicago looked very beautiful from the bus this morning. I woke up for a minute to see the skyline in such subdued pink, grey, and blue. No black and grey sky. I wasn't unhappy to be arriving.

My sister made the sailboat collage, and I made the lady one and the painting (I did it with wet pastel chalk). I was here for her birthday party. It was pretty fun. I like how she matched the horizon lines and used an ugly picture of a clown. I never would have done that. She might be a genius.

Friday, February 27, 2009


This is an installation I did at MIAD for class. I'm going to rebuild a set like this to shoot youtube videos in, more on that later. It's meant to act as the conceptualization of an interior, private space, and to reference classic sitcom type set conventions. More on this later, you may recognize some of the images from my earlier post SPACE MELT

I'd like to point out in the video the telephone that I circuit bent. In general I think of circuit bending as just a hobby, or something kids should do. but, I do like doing it and for this piece I bent a children's toy very simply; I added a few buttons and switches and a potentiometer. Things got really crazy because I decided I had enough knowledge of circuitry to try to wire the buttons of the phone to functions and bends on the toy. I thought I had it figured out but a lot of it got mixed up and confused. Still, pretty good for a first try and when you press three of the buttons they make weird noises, which is pretty sweet whether it was completely successful or not.

ya ya babooshka yaya

There is no one I want to be more right now than Kate Bush, mainly because of this:

There's a kitsch factor here that makes it a little hard to take seriously but, I'm interested in how she handles this intersection between a variety of media (video, song, dance, costuming, set design) and a number of products. There's the choreography that plays off of the song and the costumes that are dictated by the song as well, but, they all ultimately play off of eachother and could potentially carry the entire story of the piece on their own. They act as these separate artifacts that come together to create an additional communicative outlet. I think that's really cool. And also, this song is just a solid gold jam.

I want to think more about dance, and more so about making art in this way (separate objects that can exist as well on their own as they can as a whole). Here's a derp of an experiment I conducted, my body interacting with my environment as mutual sculptural forms.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


but, no, really, I made the 5X4 lithographs in the previous post from stills I took from old youtube country performance videos. Country music only became popular when "the country" only existed as an ideal. As soon as you decide to record something it's gone. Maybe that's why I miss Chicago so much, because it doesn't exist anymore as I once understood it. tragic, futile.

but, yup, that's what my PIECE OF ART is about,

Sara Caron: ARTIST.

be careful what you wish for



These pieces are all elements of a set/installation I did for class. I'll post complete documentation of it later.

This one is the first lithograph I did for class. pretty rough.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Re: re: Identity

This follows a recent thread, how much of this stuff is essential to who I am? I made this list a few weeks ago


public radio
educational media, documentaries
discussions of truth in art, truthfulness as manipulation
found sound
found photography
aggressive images
guerrilla practices
intricate, outsider art practices
discussions of form
beat literature
French literature
American literature
American mythology, what it means to be an American
mythologies of the American west
country music (and the socio-cultural climate that bore it, similiar to previous listing)
explanations of the impulses behind emotional actions, or natural occurences
social criticism
location, home, place, Chicago
sewing, embroidery
kite building
spaghetti westerns
puppy belly
proper nomenclature
personal journaling
fringe culture
not giving a fuck/denying the system (including the gallery system)
un-design (i.e. NASA)
a comparison of personal and impersonal, imagined narratives
the news
charts, technical descriptions of everday things and processes
immediacy in art [African art, outsider art (to a certain degree), tribal sort of art]


public radio
educational media, documentaries
discussions of truth in art, truthfulness as manipulation
found sound
found photography
aggressive images
guerrilla practices
intricate, outsider art practices
discussions of form
beat literature
French literature
American literature
American mythology, what it means to be an American
mythologies of the American west
country music (and the socio-cultural climate that bore it, similar to previous listing)
explanations of the impulses behind emotional actions, or natural occurrences
social criticism
location, home, place, Chicago
sewing, embroidery
kite building
spaghetti westerns
puppy belly
proper nomenclature
personal journaling
fringe culture
not giving a fuck/denying the system (including the gallery system)
un-design (i.e. NASA)
a comparison of personal and impersonal, imagined narratives
the news
charts, technical descriptions of everday things and processes
immediacy in art [African art, outsider art (to a certain degree), tribal sort of art]

A list of movies I like:

Sorry, wrong number
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Seventh Seal
Wild Strawberries
A Woman Under the Influence
La Jette
The Virgin Spring
In the Very Eye of Night
Meshes of the Afternoon
Window Water Baby Moving
Man with a Movie Camera
Aguirre, Wrath of God
Grizzly Man
The Saddest Music in the World
The River’s Edge
Harlan County, USA
The Last King of Scotland
Match Point


The Stranger
The Plague
The Razor’s Edge
On The Road
A Question of Bruno
Ender’s Game
anything by Harry Stephen Keeler
anything by Agatha Christie
Utah Blain (by Louis L’amour)
H.P. Lovecraft Stories
Catcher in the Rye
As I Lay Dying

Monday, February 23, 2009

identity abstraction

Re: the parts of my personality and identity I can change, I wonder what to keep and what to discard. What I've considered to be identity seems to be  pieces I can fit together any different way.

Noise Cowboy

Sound to come


Just got back from Minneapolis; here're some rhymes I wrote on the bus:

Baby you're just thrillin
like the coffee in brazil is
when they ask who's the illest
ya tell 'em _____ is

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

just so you know (a definition of "derp")

derp |durp, dirp|
1. A person or event that does not conform to one's personal sense of moral or social integrity, characterized by failure or mediocrity.  This total derp is ruining the class for everyone.
2. A jerk or dork, a lame time
exclamation informal 
expressing frustration with personal limitation. Derp! I can't get these wires soldered.
Verb. (derped, derping)
1. to be "jerked around", to laze about. I didn't go to school today, I just derped around the house all morning.

1. Branch of study concerned with the semiotics and categorization of derping.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


What defines absence? or Lack? When do we become ghosts of ourselves, our lives become ghosts of our lives, and places become the ghosts of our places?

What inhabits the empty parts of our lives, why do I imagine ghosts use the things I never do? The formal dining room, the chair in the corner.

I stopped believing in ghosts. But, for a long time they meant something important to me. While I might have been plagued by it, the question of their existence or non-existence, the possibility, was something I owned. I imagined them walking down the stairs all night, standing next to my bed when I couldn't sleep with the floor creaking and the window tapping and the crackle of light in the dark.

Here are some images I made of ghosts, sort of.